A Jewel in South America : A Travelling Journey
    Family Travelling

A Jewel in South America

by Laura Blanc de Silva on 12/04/13

So we headed to Punta del Este or Punta as everybody called it, a unique natural destination. It is located in the department of Maldonado, only an hour and a half from Montevideo, it has more than 20 miles of coastline and high hills overlooking the sea. It is internationally recognized as one of the top spas in America and the most exclusive in the region. Luxurious summer houses, high-rise beachfront apartments, huge yachts in the harbor, luxury hotels and restaurants make this the most glamorous resort of America. Not surprisingly, it has been chosen as a destination resort for celebrities such as Ralph Lauren, Paul Mc Cartney, Metallica, Shakira.
Every imaginable recreation is an option to visit. We started taking a shopping trip along Gorlero Avenue and were impressed with the most recognized global brands. Christian Dior’s products to Benetton’s, along with traditional Uruguayan’s products converge there. Gorlero is the main street of the resort. Talking to some locals, they said that around this avenue, it was born the tourist’s life of Punta del Este. A fantastic beach that offers  showrooms, restaurants, malls, pubs, clubs, antique shops, art galleries, cinemas, theaters, markets, casinos and nightlife. Every summer Punta is chosen to be home of large fancy parties, fashion shows for brands and a wide range of cultural offerings of large dimension such as the International Jazz Festival, the International Film Festival and so forth. Punta also offers lovely places and landscapes for those who come in search of absolute tranquility.

The meeting point for all ages are the beaches. The most popular are Playa Mansa and Playa Brava, they mark the end of the Rio de la Plata and the beginning of the Atlantic Ocean. Punta also extends itself to the west forming Punta Ballena, and to the east creating La Barra and Jose Ignacio. Lots of sports are practiced along the diversity of its coast, such as surfing, windsurfing, jet skiing, boating, sailing, fishing and yachting. On land, tourists also engage in polo competitions, golf, tennis, soccer, and rugby.

We visited an astonishing Mediterranean-style house sculpture, Casapueblo, that is only 20 minutes from Punta del Este. Casapueblo is a white building, with curved edges, filled with paintings and sculptures, located on a cliff while watching the sea. It seems an appalling Greek house. It was designed by the Uruguayan artist Carlos Páez Vilaró, which became an architectural icon. In summer, Casapueblo is the place to gather multiple cultural activities and the house-museum of Vilaró who can be described as a painter, potter, sculptor, muralist, writer, composer, builder and frequent traveler. Every day at sunset there is a Ceremony of the Sun that can be heard over loudspeakers. It was written and recited by Paez Vilaró and it is an anthem to the sun.

Punta surprised and captivated us. The best place to spend some days when you want to have fun and escape from the unfriendly winter. An enjoyable jewel in South America.

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